
Working in partnership

This section includes information on sub-branding, co-branding and separate visual identities.

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The Manchester Metropolitan University brand is our ‘parent brand'.

All our activities should be showcased within this overarching brand.  

As a complex organisation, competing in a crowded marketplace, we recognise that, in exceptional cases, we need to be able to compete in a way that requires differentiation beyond our parent brand.   

To achieve this, we have created a Manchester Metropolitan University brand family which includes a limited number of approved sub-brands, alternative standalone brands and a small number of other, approved visual identities*. 

* including University Centres of Research and Knowledge Exchange and Manchester Metropolitan University Institute of Sport 

Sub-branding examples

In the case of sub-branding, the University’s logo must endorse the sub-brand and take the primary location, above or to the left of the sub-brand. The two brands should be balanced with equal size and prominence.


Co-branding arrangements may include a joint brand logo lock-up. If you are co-branding an item, event or suite of materials, you'll need to establish a contractual relationship between the parties involved. For both instances, you must get approval from


Co-branding examples

Sharing the logo

If a third party like an agency or partner organisation needs to use the University logo, please direct them to this platform so they can source the correct version of our logo and the terms of use.

The Brand team must approve the use of the University’s logo by partner organisations. We keep a register of third parties who have been granted permission to use the University’s logo. This is so we can track how and where it's being used, and to minimise the chances of it being used incorrectly.

The Brand team has to give prior approval via email for all partner materials featuring our logo. 

External agencies that need brand approval for work featuring our logo should follow this process.

If you have any questions, please email

Project names

When working on strategic and high profile projects, you may need to create a name or marketing campaign using the University’s brand as the framework.

You should work with the Marketing team at the start of your project to come up with a name that is:

  • not used by someone else
  • suitable for an international audience
  • memorable, strong and can be used in the sector
  • not offensive or damaging to the University reputation

You’ll also need to think about naming conventions so you can determine which (if any) abbreviations can be used and how.

Using the University brand and a project name maximises the impact of our brand and helps external audiences get a feel for the activities of the University.

If you have any questions, please email

Alternative standalone brands

Alternative standalone brands are only relevant and appropriate for major partnership activities. They need formal contractual agreements, trademark protection and their own approved brand guidelines. They are only for long-standing and permanent contractual partnerships and need approval by the Brand Panel.

Visual identities

The University has a limited number of visual identities including University Centres of Research and Knowledge Exchange and Manchester Metropolitan University Institute of Sport. However, these need a clear rationale, and approval from the Brand Panel.

Approved visual identities align with the University brand in terms of:

  • tone of voice
  • colours
  • typography
  • photography and videography style
  • iconography

They follow our brand guidelines, and should be updated as our brand evolves.

Academic partnerships

The University works in partnerships with academic institutions and organisations across the UK and throughout the world to give students the opportunity to obtain a Manchester Metropolitan University award.

Use of the logo on academic partnership marketing materials

Our existing guidance on co-branding should be followed to determine the position of our logo and the partner logos.

Approval process

A partner should only use the Manchester Metropolitan University brand if an Approval in Principle business case is in place confirming that marketing can proceed (note: formal partnership agreements are not usually put in place until after programme approval).

Any marketing materials produced using brand and/or logo must follow the University brand guidelines and receive approval by the relevant Partnerships team as well as the Brand team (please allow ten working days): 

Our Partnerships teams will share with for approval.

Promotion of Manchester Metropolitan University partner courses

The following guidance must be followed when developing marketing materials 

  • Partner institution’s brand should be followed, unless the partnership agreement specifies that the University brand should be used
  • Both the University logo and the partner institution’s logo should feature
  • This guidance on the University's logo usage should be adhered to
  • For some initiatives, a new partnership logo will be produced and a separate visual identity. The partnership logo and identity will require brand guidance, formal partnership agreement and approval from the Brand Panel.
  • Any marketing materials produced using the University brand or logo must receive approval by the relevant partnerships team as well as the Brand team (please allow ten working days’ unless otherwise specified within the contract):

Our partnerships teams will share with for approval.

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